Meher Baba copyright 1987 Charlie Mills


Lord Meher

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"Remembrance of these places and the three phases of the New Life will forever inspire humanity to abandon their worldly life and pursue the New Life of helplessness and hopelessness before God."

Upon arriving in Delhi on 10 May 1950, the men companions stayed at Keki Desai's house. Baba, with Baidul and Vishnu and the four women, moved from Manjri Mafi to Dehra Dun. Baba, with the women, stayed in Don's abandoned dispensary at 29 Lytton Road, and Keki and the two men stayed in Burjor Chacha's house at 19 Lytton Road.

In Delhi, the companions began their ghee business on the 12th. Appropriately, they named the enterprise the Navjeevan (New Life) Ghee Company. Since Kaka was the eldest, he performed the "opening ceremony," which was simply being the first to turn the handle of the charan (big wooden drum). Todi Singh had brought the required utensils and containers from Aligarh, where he had a factory. He also arranged for the supply of cream from which the companions prepared ghee. Most of the men helped in the work except Aloba, who cooked the meals for the companions, and Nilu, who assisted him by grinding the masala (spices). Baba had also exempted Kaikobad and Gustadji because of their age. Kaikobad would sit in a separate room and repeat Baba's name 100,000 times daily, as he had done in Dehra Dun. Gustadji would collect anything thrown away that he still thought useful.

It was summertime and extremely hot in Delhi. The companions sat near a stove to boil the cream and turn it into ghee. Working in these conditions, while withstanding the outside heat, was almost intolerable. They had been staying in Manjri Mafi when it was bitter cold. Now, when the weather there was at its most salubrious, they were in Delhi working next to hot stoves and sweating uncomfortably in the scorching month of May! Such was the New Life.

Ghee is considered the finest cooking oil in India and is in great demand, so, at first, the idea of manufacturing a superb product seemed like a feasible business venture. All the work had to be done by themselves — stirring the cream into ghee, washing and cleaning the large cooking vessels, preparing labels, tinning the oil and selling it. Despite all their efforts, instead of being a success, the business was a total failure. The problem was that their ghee was simply too good!

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