Meher Baba copyright 1987 Charlie Mills


Lord Meher

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Elizabeth said, "And yet Ramakrishna had cancer."

All Perfect Masters and Avatars have some deep wound. I have it in my cheek. It is a hole. Gulmai has seen it. It is called nasur — fistula. It is sometimes better, sometimes worse.

Continuing about masts, Baba stated:

Nowadays, Chatti Baba doesn't want to come for his bath. So Mohammed goes to his door and calls loudly, "Baba come! Take bath! ... Meher Baba is standing. Meher Baba's legs are paining! ... Come, Baba, come!" And then Chatti Baba comes. I bathe him twice daily. About 50 pails of water each time. After his bath he pours earth over himself.

Concerning the war Baba stated:

Now, when I come here every Thursday, we will talk of everything but the war. Soon it will spread to Bombay and Ahmednagar. All over the world people are so sad, mad, and soon it will be bad beyond conception. So you must follow the orders as you did this week, but more wholeheartedly than ever, willingly and happily. Do it, not just because I order you, but because you like to obey!

Baba then told the women about the five men staying in Ankai:

Theirs is a hard test. Four of them observe silence and the one who is allowed to speak is the Pistol [Pappa]. He does everything and makes so much of a row that it drives them all crazy. He gets up at 4:00 A.M. and wakes them up just to keep him company. Every week things have to be brought from Manmad. There are no wells or proper shelter there. In their weekly report the four under him reported, "We will keep silence for eternity and fast to death — only if Pistol is not here!" I replied, "Stay with Pistol and keep silence only for one year."

Baba came back to see the women after a week, on 15 August. While reflecting upon a Gujarati interpretation of Vedanta, Baba explained about Realization and majzoobs:

When one is a real child, a kingly child, it means he is God-realized, as in Godhood there is pure childhood. That is why Jesus said, "Lest you become like a child, you shall not enter the Kingdom of God."

To such a child all the universe is as a toy. The whole infinite life is the garden where this child plays.

Majzoob is a Persian word meaning divinely overpowered. One gets drowned, immersed completely. We see the majzoobs eating, drinking, sleeping, et cetera, but they themselves do not know it — literally. They are not at all conscious of the body. For example, when a person talks, sings, or cries in his sleep others hear it, but the person himself is not conscious of it. That is why these masts are never ill.

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