Immediately, I felt a great upliftment of consciousness such as I had never experienced before with anyone. I had been searching and reading deeply for many years, and knew that I had now found the Master and that the long search was over.
Baba gave me more, far more in the space of three minutes than I had gained in 30 years of earnest seeking, or through others, because I experienced the tangible, definite gift of grace and divine love that he bestowed, whereas others could only talk about it. I knew who Baba was.
Will and Mary became regular visitors at Russell Road, and also saw Baba at Margaret Craske's apartment, where Baba went for tea one evening. The Backetts became Baba's deeply devoted disciples from then onward, and Baba would lovingly refer to them as Wilmar and later as "his archangels."
Kitty was occupied from morning to evening with the arrangements for Baba's stay, overseeing the cooking and the many other details involved. Baba would eat alone in his room upstairs. Then, coming downstairs, he would sit by the fireplace and watch the others eat together. Adi Jr., Adi Sr. and Beheram's musical performances were a daily affair, and in between the songs Baba would explain different spiritual matters to the devotees. Kitty's parents John and Helena had vacated the house so there would be room for Baba and the six men mandali, and Helena's friend, Mrs. Guerrier, was asked to be present to act as a chaperone.
Although Kitty's parents were not staying in the house, both had the opportunity to see Baba during his visit. Helena once confessed to Baba that she felt "wicked," as she occasionally enjoyed a game of cards and played for money. Baba silently laughed and gestured, "I like you. You are so honest," and indicated to her that she could go on playing cards if she liked. Helena was fortunate to spend this time with Baba, as she died the following September.
Kitty's father John would talk to Baba about cricket and Ping-Pong. At the mention of Ping-Pong, the group arranged for a table, and Baba played with them on occasion, usually without keeping score.
At other times, they simply sat in silence. As Kim recalled, "I can remember one or two occasions where Baba was seated and we were all sitting around him in perfect silence. There was such a flow of love; it was almost as if the air were vibrating. You could almost touch it. Wonderful, wonderful times!"