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5423Appendix B: 1942 Discourses1942

The last but not the least duty of those who would stand by Reason and Love is to see war as well as war-effort in the right perspective, as being only the means for the goal of peace and understanding. It is not possible to justify war apart from the end which is sought through it. War does not stand justified merely by the spiritual qualities which it generates and fosters; these qualities can also be developed in times of peace. It is time that humanity is imbibed by the spontaneous spirit of love and service, needing no stimulus of danger for the release of impersonal and unselfish action.

Although it seems difficult, humanity has to emerge out of this dreadful war with unimpaired spiritual integrity, with hearts free from the poison of malice or revenge, with minds disburdened of the blows given or received, with souls unscathed by suffering and filled with the spirit of unconditional surrenderance to the divine will which shall ensoul and inspire post-war humanity. In spite of its attendant evils, this war shall play its part in my mission of helping humanity to fulfill the Divine Plan on earth and to inherit the coming Era of Truth and Love, of Peace and Universal Brotherhood, of Spiritual Understanding and Unbounded Creativity.

Apropos of numerous inquiries from my followers, seeking guidance and instructions in the eventuality of the war directly and palpably affecting India, I have to call upon all concerned to go about their routine avocations, duties, and responsibilities, in a spirit of detachment, love, charity and hope, and to observe the following instructions meant for the category in which they are placed.

To my disciples:

1. They should be above party politics and should bear malice and ill-will toward none.

2. They should observe all the precautionary measures of war for civil population enforced by the Government of the day.

3. They should continue as usual discharging their special duties and work for my Spiritual Cause unless otherwise directed by me.

4. They should stick to their post and appointments anywhere in India, under any trying circumstances, unless ordered by the Government to evacuate under emergency regulations.

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