Meher Baba copyright 1987 Charlie Mills


Lord Meher

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Baba joked, "Not yet."

Dr. Roy said, "I lost one day in my life by going to Ahmedabad by mistake instead of coming to Ahmednagar. How am I to make it up?"

Baba's answer was: "Time has no real existence in Eternity."

Dr. Roy put other questions to Baba about metaphysics, to which he replied, "You will find all the answers to your questions in God Speaks. Study the book thoroughly and absorb it."

Dr. Roy said, "I have found that your teaching is the same Truth established through the ages."

Baba smiled and remarked, "If it were otherwise, it would not be Truth! Truth is but one, the same and eternal. However, I have not come to teach it, but to give it."

Baba pointed to the metal plaque on the wall, which Eruch read out, "I have come not to teach but to awaken."

The schoolteacher then took a photograph of Dr. Roy and Baba, with Roy seated on the floor near Baba.

While leaving Meherazad, the professor told the mandali how happy and satisfied he was with meeting Baba, and said more than once, "Baba is indeed compassionate!"

Later, Dr. Roy summarized his meeting with these words:

Meher Baba's love is really very genuine and very great. He showed me what life should really embody, that is, about the "power of love" as opposed to "love of power." Most of us have experienced love of power, but very few of us have experienced the power of love.

After meeting Baba I concluded for myself, here is a person who embodied, practiced and inspired many of us with the power of love. I will cherish the interview I had with him throughout my life.

A week later, Dr. Moorty visited Baba on 29 January 1964. Rama was released from the hospital the following day, and she was brought to Meherazad on the 31st by Adi, along with Mehernath, Sheela, Dhiraj and Piroja. Khorshed arrived on 9 February and stayed at Meherazad for five days.

On 30 January, Baba gave this message for the new Hindi weekly periodical, Guide (published in Raipur):

Throughout the ages men have been deeply involved in the struggle for peace and happiness. It is this struggle that lands them into chaos and misery. If men were only to become conscious of the fact that peace and happiness are not to be fought for but to be sought for within oneself, they would abandon their fighting and be at peace with themselves and the world.

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