Meher Baba copyright 1987 Charlie Mills


Lord Meher

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When Adele remarked how wonderful Baba looked, he replied, "I look all right on the outside, but on the inside, I am like a volcano. The world situation is weighing on me. Jesus Christ suffered; I suffer."

That day, it was announced in the newspapers that the Russians had agreed to pull their missiles out of Cuba. Baba's eyes twinkled as he intimated that he had averted a nuclear war:

It was touch and go! The whole world hung in the balance. You people have been worrying about Berlin. It was not Berlin you should have worried about; it was Cuba. Cuba's situation has caused me a terrible time. You have no idea how serious it was.

Now China has invaded India. I am the nut in the nutcracker! The Chinese are my children, and the Indians are my children. You might find the Chinese at our gate any moment, so be careful.

After 1962, everything will be topsy-turvy, upside-down. World War III will not be fought where it has been fought before. It will be fought here and will spread into the Near and Middle East. The Chinese will retreat this winter, but they will return after the snows melt. But India will win in the end.

Reverting to the subject of discourses, Baba continued:

No amount of reading will give any person God-realization! But, once one gets it — it comes suddenly. God is love, infinite love, and this world is nothing. Yesterday is gone; it is nothing. The future is nothing, too. And when you get that Realization, then everything goes; it no longer exists. One realizes it is all nothing, illusion, maya.

There are so many divisions, even though God is One. Why are there so many divisions? It is all because of illusion and our ignorance of it.

Speaking of "dreams" and "illusions," Baba remarked to those present about an American man who was now giving up the use of drugs for Baba's sake, and who was having a rough time during his withdrawal. Despite the difficulties adjusting, the man never used drugs again.

On this same occasion, Baba remarked to Dorothea Foote who had an alcohol problem, "Fill your cup with the Wine of divine love; then, you will not want to drink anything else." In this case, the woman did not give up drinking alcohol totally; however, her husband Ned did and became active in Alcoholics Anonymous.

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