Meher Baba copyright 1987 Charlie Mills


Lord Meher

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The more the gains now, the more the intoxication for still more. Drunkards, when they get drunk, challenge, "Come one, come all!" It's not the drunkards who say it, but their intoxication! Thus, out of sheer hostility, the more wrongs done, the more the repentance.

Churchill is a good match for them both. Had it been Chamberlain, he would not have done what Churchill did to the French fleet [bombing it at Oran]. He would have just opened his umbrella and done this and that. He is a thorough gentleman. He works under Churchill, and his speech two days ago was wonderful. And like Churchill, he is very honest.

How does this all work? We are all nations. Each one of you represents a nation. Mansari is a small nation, Nonny was a big nation and so on. Each one, according to her greatness or smallness, her greed, her longing for power and possessions, tries diplomatically to get what she wants.

But when one loses in war, one tries to get into the next war. The mentality is like that. For example: What will you fight with? With arms! The only solution for it is to cut off everybody's arms. Then they will find themselves "armless," and come to the conclusion that this armless-ness has come about because of their showing the strength of their arms. Then they will promise each other from the bottom of their hearts to maintain weapons but never to use them on each other. Then they help each other and become like members of one family. This is what is being done.

All will be exhausted, just go limp. No one wins, no one loses; all will be half-dead. There was never such a war! France first fought side-by-side with England, now she fights against her. Such a muddle! But master of the whole situation is Russia. Germany tells Rumania to keep quiet, and promises not to invade her. Russia knows that if it sides with Germany, England would be beaten and vice versa. Germany and Rumania are both trying to please Russia.

Religion has to go, and God, Truth has to come. Definitely!

Gandhi tells Britain to be non-violent. To let Germany take over England, to let themselves be killed, to be destroyed! But not to fight! What he says is 100 percent right and true, but absolutely impossible and impractical! Hitler and Gandhi are both right in their way of thinking according to their own conceptions. But both are stark mad [to think so]! Both are extremes. Extreme violence, when it reaches the zenith, becomes non-violence and vice-versa.

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