Meher Baba copyright 1987 Charlie Mills


Lord Meher

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They left Agra by train for Rawalpindi at 5:00 P.M. on Friday, 14 April 1933, arriving the following day. After settling in, Baba commented about the place, "In Rawalpindi there is a man, a wonderful saint, who is one of my chief agents in India. He gives orders to many, many souls on the lower planes. Rawalpindi is an important junction in India, for here all travelers must stop to go north to Kashmir."

Adi Sr., Pendu and Vishnu met them in Rawalpindi at 3:00 P.M. on the 15th, and the entire group continued their journey in three cars with Norina and Elizabeth riding with Baba. During this journey, Baba traveled incognito, wearing dark glasses and covering his hair with a beret whenever they stopped.

They arrived at Murree on 15 April, where they stayed for two days at the Chambers Hotel. Baba, the mandali, Quentin, Margaret and Mabel stayed in an outlying chalet, and the rest of the group stayed in the main building of the hotel.

en route to Kashmir, 1933

On Sunday, 16 April 1933, Baba discoursed to the Westerners: "When love for God reaches its zenith, it destroys the 'I-ness,' and all desires and longings. Nothing remains except God and his lover united as one! This is Perfection.

"You do not know what love is; emotional feeling, intense longing and sexual attraction are nothing. When a person wants to possess something, it is not love."

Baba then urged, "Love me, follow me and serve me!"

Kitty asked, "How can we help you in your work?"

Baba answered, "Love me and do as I say. Pure love makes one understand."

It was Easter Sunday and Baba visited a Christian chapel with the group, remarking, "All worship returns to me. The sigh within the prayer is the same in the heart of the Christian, the Mohammedan, or the Jew. They are all indivisibly longing for the same God."

Murree was a military station, and as Baba and the party walked along the hills that day, they witnessed a couple of British soldiers being cruel and rude to the local people.

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