Meher Baba copyright 1987 Charlie Mills


Lord Meher

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As thousands filed past Baba, Bernard Bruford of Australia was struck by "Baba's economy of love and energy." Baba would make everyone feel that they were special; when he would greet someone, he would give that man or woman his full attention. The moment that person bowed and lowered his eyes, Baba would greet someone else, but when the person raised his head and looked up, Baba would always be ready and look at the man or woman again. Each felt his or her welcome was special and exclusive. "It was like clockwork," said Bernard. "I was intrigued watching this for hours." And, if Baba did not turn back, it was always when the person bowing did not look back up at him before moving on.

Anthony Thorpe of New Zealand met Baba for the first time at the East-West Gathering and felt similarly:

Baba was working through so many different souls. All of mankind was represented, from the highest to the lowest, and Baba was working through them. We were in a way like puppets on a string. We were there doing or serving part of Baba's work.

While meeting each one, Baba adjusted to that person's level. To those who were shy, Baba appeared shy and a bit awkward with them; to those who were bold, Baba was just the same. He knew exactly what to say. This was the man-part of God coming down to our level, being able to communicate so readily heart to heart.

Apart from giving this tremendous darshan to thousands upon thousands, one could see that he was really very frail — he was so compassionate that his own body did not matter at all. You could see the tension, the tremendous weariness of bowing down and receiving all these gifts and garlands. Baba with his own very worn down body would bear this with wonderful grace, because being both God and man, his man-part must have felt the same discomfort as you and I would under those same circumstances.

I also felt the majesty of Baba, something very potent. I remember one time when Baba folded his hands to the gathering, giving his blessings to us. The whole pandal was absolutely quiet. Baba was quiet. You felt there was something tremendous going on.

Brynar Mehl and others had found that being under the pandal was an intense experience. He shared these memories:

Just being in the pandal watching Baba was so exhausting to me. By lunchtime, I would be dead, utterly drained. Baba was so alive. Watching him was like watching a five-ring circus. People would be coming forward to bow down, they would be giving him things, he would take it, give it to the mandali, give instructions, his fingers constantly going, his eyes constantly moving. He would focus on something and then be a million miles away. In addition, he could go very pale, and then suddenly the color would come back. One moment, he would look very alive, and the next like a corpse. It was extraordinary. It was like watching the sky during a storm: clouds blow by, then it clears, then it is sunny, then raining, then rays of light come down through the clouds.

It went on at this pace, absolutely nonstop. I would be so exhausted I could not watch it all. By the end of the day, I just wanted to get out of there. Can you imagine wanting to leave Baba's presence? It was so intense, I would be glad just to get out of that pandal.

Although Baba was greeting each of those who came with love, on one occasion that afternoon, this unusual incident occurred. During the darshan, a soldier came forward carrying a huge garland. Just then, Baba's attention was drawn elsewhere and the man was hurried along before Baba could turn back to him. Undeterred, the soldier went outside, purchased another garland and stood in the line again. After more than an hour of inching slowly forward, he stood before Baba once more. But again, just at that moment, someone on the stage began talking with Baba, and his attention was diverted. The soldier was furious and left. Baba's distraction was no accident, and he had his own reasons for causing it on behalf of the man.

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