Meher Baba copyright 1987 Charlie Mills


Lord Meher

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Homa Dadachanji and Naggu arrived from Bombay on 13 January and spent the night at Meherazad. Baba had decided to go to Bombay for a week and they were given instructions about his visit. That day, Baba remarked: "I simultaneously eat and don't eat, drink and don't drink, and do and do nothing."

Four days later, on the 17th, he stated: "Past and Future exist only because of the Present in which they are both embodied. In the eternal Past, every second existed as the Present and every second of the eternal Future will exist as the Present."

Baba had been dictating other brief messages at this time, seven of which he ordered to be translated into five languages, painted on boards and displayed at Meherabad during the sahavas. The messages were:

Be angry with none but your weakness.
Hate none but your lustful self.
Be greedy to own more and more wealth of tolerance and justice.
Let your temptation be to tempt me with your love in order to receive my grace.
Wage war against your desires and Godhood will be your victory.

Real happiness lies in making others happy.
The real desire is that which leads you to become Perfect in order to make others Perfect.
The real aim is that which aims to make others become God by first attaining Godhood yourself.

Real living is dying for God.
Live less for yourself and more for others.
One must die to one's own self to be able to live in all other selves.
One who dies for God lives forever.

Love others as you would love yourself and all that is yours.
Fortunate are they whose love is tested by misfortune.
Love demands that the lover sacrifice for the Beloved.

Seek not to possess anything, but to surrender everything.
Serve others with the understanding that in them you are serving me.
Be resigned completely to my will, and my will will be yours.
Let nothing shake your faith in me and all your bindings will be shaken off.

Desire for nothing except desirelessness. 
Hope for nothing except to rise above all hopes.
Want nothing and you will have everything.

This period of sahavas is the period of my suffering and helplessness.
My glorification will follow my humiliation.

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