Suddenly, the boy stood up and cried out in a loud voice, "He wants milk!" Baba nodded, and Bhau brought him more milk.
After the mandali returned, Baba remarked, pointing to Bhau, "Look at this man. He has been with me for three years, yet he could not understand a simple thing I asked for, such as milk. But [pointing to the boy] that little boy could understand and had to tell him. What sort of a man is Bhau?"
The boy had been able to see Baba's hand, as he was sitting on the ground, whereas Bhau was standing. But Bhau kept quiet, and they continued on to Hyderabad, where Baba contacted some masts, all of whom he had worked with before. About three days later, when they were on their way back to Satara, Baba again had Eruch stop at the same small cafe for tea. The boy was under the tree where they had left him, and as soon as they arrived, he began staring at Baba. Baba sent Bhau for tea, and when he went inside, the boy came up to him and asked, "Who is he?" As Baba was in seclusion and did not like to be disturbed, Bhau said, "Go away." The boy returned to his position and continued looking intently at Baba, who also glanced at him while he drank his tea.
During the New Life, Baba had promised Dr. Daulat Singh that he would visit his house one day. During this trip to Hyderabad, he paid a surprise visit to Daulat Singh's home in Secunderabad. Daulat Singh was overcome with joy, and Baba met his entire family before beginning the return journey to Satara.
While driving back to Satara, on 10 September, Baba came to know that there was a very good mast in the village of Batarga. Since the "road" there had been completely washed away by the rains, they could not drive to the village. So, leaving their car by the roadside, Baba set out for the village on foot, walking six miles into the interior. The track was unpaved and the mud was thick, so Baba and the mandali had to walk barefoot (and return the same way), covering ground that was rocky and muddy, strewn with thorns and pebbles, and full of up and down inclines. One stretch they walked through was knee-deep in water.