40131956 TRIP TO THE WEST1956
Baba replied, "During my seclusion I do not accept or give money."
Marion asked, "What about the welfare of the women mandali if you drop your body?"
I may drop my body during the next five months of seclusion, but you should not worry about that. Worry about loving me. Everything that I have said in my [Final] Declaration will come to pass just as I have said.
Dr. Deshmukh once was weeping over my coming humiliation. I asked him, "Why do you always think about my humiliation, and not about my glorification?"
You must be happy. You have just had a bus ride with me. I am the center of the universes. [He emphasized the s in the word universes and made a dot and circle in his left palm with his forefinger.] While I was with you on the bus, I was working everywhere.
You have no idea how I suffer. Everything in the universe comes to me. At the same time, I feel bliss. Christ suffered humanly on the cross, but his bliss was unbroken.
After I step out of my seclusion on February 15, 1957, I may hold a large mass darshan in Bombay and then call a big meeting. I will call some of the Western women, as well as men ... Everyone in this room.
Baba asked several of them if they would go if he called them to India. Everyone answered positively.
Baba further clarified, "Some of you, after you do your best, if you cannot make it, don't worry. Those of you who are accompanying me on the forthcoming trip to Myrtle Beach and San Francisco should not worry about anything, but be happy to have my sahavas. Don't think of my dropping the body."
To Marion, Baba concluded, "When we reach San Francisco, I will instruct you about the balance in the fund."
After each person had received Baba's embrace, they departed.
Forty-four of Baba's "doves" (as he called them) were to make the cross-country journey with him from New York to Myrtle Beach to California. As mentioned, this had come about after Beryl Williams, in one of her letters, wrote to Mani that they would "love to fly with the Avatar." The letter was read to Baba, and he gave his permission for those who could afford to go. Those going gathered at the Delmonico Hotel at 6:45 A.M., on Tuesday, 24 July 1956. There was a light drizzle. Fred Winterfeldt checked off everyone's name, and they were taken to Newark airport in two buses.