Meher Baba copyright 1987 Charlie Mills


Lord Meher

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Jokingly, Baba remarked, "This time you should go by train — but without a ticket, as I won't be able to pay you anything."

Bhabananda said that would be cheating. Baba replied, "I am glad you said it. Yes, it would be cheating, but it would be all right if you would take each slap that you get for it cheerfully and enjoy it, without feeling mentally the least hurt!"

Bhabananda did not answer. Baba, however, gave him some money for the fare. Bhabananda left and carried out Baba's instructions. In Pandharpur, he met M. D. Dharmale, known as Babadas (Baba's slave or servant), who was spreading Meher Baba's message in the area. He was a resident of Nagpur and would travel from place to place speaking about Baba. Vibhuti had been doing the same since 1925 in different parts of India.

Gadekar was also visiting Pandharpur at the time. Taking Bhabananda and Babadas with him, he returned to Sholapur and arranged a large meeting where both spoke. Wherever Gadekar's job took him, he would disseminate information about Meher Baba, and his love for Baba drew many people to the Master. After carrying out Baba's orders, Bhabananda returned to Bangalore and stayed with the mandali for some time.

Meanwhile Dr. Ghani was fond of solving crossword puzzles from the Illustrated Weekly of India. After completing a puzzle, he would mail it in to enter the contest. Two or three times he won small cash prizes, which he kept a secret.

Once when Ghani was busy solving the weekly puzzle, Baba came to his room. Looking up, Ghani tried to hide the magazine under his mattress and Baba asked him, "What are you doing?"

"Nothing," he replied.

Baba walked over and took out the magazine. Looking at it, Baba remarked, "What was there to hide? I will help you, and if we win, we will split the prize 50-50. I too need money!"

Quite seriously, Baba sat down and they began working out the crossword together. After solving it, Ghani submitted it. A week before the results were to be announced, Baba began asking Ghani about it daily. When the results were finally declared and the correct solution published, Ghani found that they had missed the prize by not less than eleven mistakes. Complaining to Baba he said, "When I was solving the crosswords alone, there would be two or at the most three mistakes.

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