I did not promise to translate Baba's writings into Gujarati. On the contrary, I suggested to Baba that he should come out from under the spell of English and not write, or find somebody to write for him in English, and write and explain his ideas in Gujarati, his mother tongue, or in Persian, which as he says, he knows very well. Yes, I would certainly translate into Gujarati any of his writings which deeply appeal to me.
In short, I am a student of Baba's ideas. I saw Baba [after] having received a wire from Jamshed Mehta, whom I regard as a pure soul. I am always in search of bhaktas [lovers] of God and, thinking that Baba was one, I met him.
Vandemataram [Salutations to the Motherland],
Mohandas Gandhi
A week later, Chanji received another letter from Gandhi:
18 October 1932
Yeravda Mandir [Temple]
Brother Dadachanji,
Received your letter, also your telegram.
Fortunately, Brother Mahadev [Desai] had preserved a copy of my reply to your letter of the 23rd of September. Therefore, I am able to send herewith the copy of my reply to you.
As you agree with me in not giving a long report to the press, I have nothing further to write to you on this account and have now nothing to point out to you by way of misrepresentation of facts as felt by me in the detailed report you have sent for my perusal and approval. But someday when we meet, I shall try to explain to you what I felt and meant as misrepresentation in the facts mentioned in the detailed report prepared by you of the Meher Baba & Gandhi Meetings. Please do not misconstrue what I say; I do NOT say that I blame anyone for such misrepresentation, but what I do mean is that there has been a definite misunderstanding.
It is but very natural and I have experienced many a time that misunderstandings do crop up when one undertakes to reproduce from memory conversations having taken place between two persons.
Do acknowledge the receipt of this letter.
Mohandas Gandhi
A third letter from Gandhi was received the following day:
19 October 1932
Brother Dadachanji,
I got your letter of the 8th and the accompanying pages. I have gone through the letter. I don't think that it should be published. It leaves out a great deal and what it includes is put in such a form which can be easily misunderstood.