This was the first time the Master had stayed near a dying person from among the mandali during their last moments. The next day Kaikhushru Masa's funeral was performed in the town of Deolali, four miles from Nasik, at the Zoroastrian Tower of Silence. Four or five of the mandali attended.
Sorabji and Jamshed Desai had arrived on the 18th from Navsari, and left the next day after meeting Baba.
On Monday, 26 January Sarosh hired a small, private airplane and brought it to Deolali. Baba, his brother Beheram, and six others took a ride in it. This was the first time Meher Baba rode in an airplane.
A 70-year-old holy man in Nasik resided in a temple on the banks of the Godavri River. He was a large man who wore a sleeveless jacket and a loincloth. Local people called him simply Waliji or "the Baba." Once referring to this man, Baba revealed, "Although he dresses in rags and resembles a beggar in appearance, he is a wali on the fifth plane and is the spiritual chargeman of Nasik." Kaka Baria was instructed to visit the wali from time to time.
Meanwhile on 9 February 1931, Feram Workingboxwala came to stay permanently at Nasik under Baba's instructions. He had come several times for Baba's darshan at Alamai Katrak's and Naoroji Dadachanji's apartments in Bombay, and had been directed by Baba to come to Nasik to work at Sarosh Motor Works as a typist.
There is a humorous story related to Feram. Feram had previous contact with Upasni Maharaj at Sakori. One day Feram told Baba that Maharaj had promised him that this would be his last lifetime. Baba assured him that it would be and that he would fulfill Maharaj's promise, but then asked why Feram did not want to come back in another life. Feram answered, "Baba, I hated school as a boy. The thought of ever coming back and going to school again is dreadful to me. I don't want to come back because I hate school!" Baba laughed and related Feram's reply to the mandali.
Around the 1st of February 1931, after his pilgrimage to various places in India, including meeting Baba lovers in Panchgani, Bijapur, Bangalore, Madras and Calcutta, Paul Brunton returned to Nasik to see Baba. At their meeting, Baba asked him why he looked so distressed. Brunton replied, "My mind is troubled; I am thinking of the dozen or more holy men I have encountered in India who all claim to be the Messiah!"